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CSBattery Will Attend the InterSolar 2023 Fair in Mexico City (5, Sep -7, Sep)

Dear CSBattery Valued Customers

We CSBattery Energy CO.,LIMITED will be exhibiting at Mexico IneterSolar 2023 (HALL D – 324),
which is being held on 5 -7, September at Centro Citibanamex, CDMX, México.

If your company are in this industrial, l believe you will be interested in our latest hot selling products. It will be our honor to have you as our guest at the exhibition.
And we hope it will be an excellent opportunity to discuss the potential business together.

Even if we could not work together right away, we can target to know each other and become friends.

After all, knowing more about the industry dynamics can help you make a better local market. Come and join us! We will have surprise for you!

Dear, any plan be in Mexico city during 4,September – 13, September, please feel free to reach us. 

We’re looking forward to seeing you there. 

Best Regards,

CSBattery Sales Team 

Contact: info@csbattery.cn

Mob.wechat.whatsapp: 008613612867133

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